
    WXYZ-TV Channel 7 Had an Unexpected Backfire on a Controversial Vaccine Post.

    On September 10th, WXYZ-TV Channel 7 created a Facebook post asking people who have lost their unvaccinated loved ones to come forward and share their stories in order to fuel the flames of a worldwide vaccine propaganda campaign. We bet the outcome was a sobering experience they weren’t expecting.

    A Major Blowback to the Narrative.

    Within hours, dozens, hundreds, and then thousands of comments started to pile up, but the comments had a completely different story to tell.

    People were sharing their horrible experiences with the vaccines they received. Permanent disabilities, strokes, heart attacks, blood clots, you name it. Some people had their personal stories to tell, others wanted to share devastating stories about their friends, parents, brothers, and sisters.

    It quickly became apparent that Channel 7 opened a Pandora Box, which they couldn’t control anymore. The narrative of “Safe and Effective” vaccines was falling apart in front of their eyes, and nothing could stop it.

    At this point, WXYZ-TV Channel 7 got itself in a difficult situation. The post currently has over 200 000 comments, with most of them being negative regarding the vaccination program, which obviously damages the main narrative that the mainstream media is trying to sell us.

    There’s No Comming Back from This.

    So what will they do? Delete the post along with all the heartbreaking stories, effectively wiping out their own credibility as a news outlet? Or keep the post, and let everyone know the truth?

    It is most likely that the post will be eventually removed from Facebook, as it damages the “Safe and Effective Vaccine” narrative tremendously.

    We can see evidence of censorship and information suppression all over the internet, particularly information that provokes critical thinking and questioning the safety and efficacy of mRNA vaccines. Therefore the post will most likely be short-lived, as it provides hundreds of thousands of comments that contradict the vaccination agenda.

    Below we will embed the post itself and some screenshots from the Facebook post in case it gets deleted. We want to make sure people’s stories will be heard, and mister Zuckerberg with his army of “Fact Checkers,” won’t erase their stories.

    The original post can be found here.

    Screenshots In Case The Post Gets Removed.

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