
    Occupational Therapist Reveals that the Vaccine and Not the Virus Cause Majority of COVID-19 Fatalities.

    During an outdoor protest held at the Hawaii State Capitol in Honolulu, board-certified occupational therapist, Abrien Aguirre, divulged that he had seen the fatal effect of the COVID-19 vaccine with his own eyes on his elderly patients.

    Aguirre, who works in Oahu’s largest skilled nursing facility, reported that the virus does not cause most of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the mainstream media. And no matter how strange it may sound, he believes that the vaccine shots bring about these untimely deaths.

    The occupational therapist shared that most of the people tagged as “test-positive cases” usually yielded a positive result when tested using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) kit.

    Unlike what most media outlets are making people believe these days, having a positive result in a PCR test does not necessarily mean that you are infected with COVID-19.

    You may only manifest health issues from pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, and similar illnesses. As long as you are asymptomatic, chances are you are not infected with the coronavirus.

    However, Aguirre noticed a time in his facility when patients suffering from terminal illnesses were being transferred to the COVID-19 ward. And when they passed on, the facility immediately documented them as deaths due to the virus.

    Aguirre explained that he became more curious about the whole deal when he observed that the billing department seemed to make COVID-19 a “catch-all condition” because the facility would receive higher reimbursements if a patient died of the virus.

    “It’s just fraud on every level,” the occupational therapist stressed.

    But when the vaccines started rolling out, Aguirre noted that most of his geriatric patients started dying all of a sudden. He pointed out that his facility administered the Moderna mRNA experimental injections among its patients.

    “I’ve seen thirty-two elderly people pass away immediately after taking the Moderna vaccine,” Aguirre emphasized. He also wondered why this issue is not being talked about in local or cable news programs. “It doesn’t fit their narrative,” he added.

    Aguirre disclosed that he had already notified lawmakers and politicians to expose this fraud. He even tried contacting the Governor of Hawaii. However, he still hasn’t received a single reply until now.

    The board-certified occupational therapist also had this to say if your senior loved ones are going through an illness or require medical attention: “If your elderly are sick, your grandmother, your great grandmother, your mom, don’t send them to a skilled nursing facility. They’re not going to receive adequate care. Treatment is going to be withheld from them. They’re going to be forced to wear a mask all day and social distance.”

    Aguirre ended his revelation on a sad note. “They’re going to become depressed and want to commit suicide. Because that is what I see in our facilities.”

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