
    Blood Donation Ban From Bisexual And Gay Men Will End Soon, Says Trudeau.

    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently announced that if re-elected, the Liberal Party would bring the ban imposed on gay and bisexual men from donating blood to an end soon.

    Speaking from a hangar at Canada’s busiest airport, the Liberal leader stressed that the discriminatory ban would be overturned for its being intolerable and improper. 

    While the blood donation ban for gay men was put in place way back in 1992, it was slightly modified in 2013. The modification already permitted the donation of blood from a gay man. Still, he must have abstained from having sexual relations with another man for at least five years.

    Notably, this isn’t the first time the Trudeau-led Liberal Party promised to overturn the blood donation ban. It was one of the moves proposed in their checklist during their successful 2015 campaign. However, after a close inspection of the Party’s re-election platform this year, the said plan to overturn the blood donation ban is nowhere to be found.

    “We have said consistently right back since 2015 that the ban on blood donation, on giving blood, for men who have sex with men is unacceptable, discriminatory, and wrong,”

    Trudeau pointed out.

    “It is something that we are working on, and will continue to work on. But, it is something we will ensure to happen,”

    Trudeau added.

    While some Trudeau supporters see this as a sincere move to provide equal rights for the gay and bisexual community, many view this as a political decision in an attempt to win more votes in an upcoming election.

    Apparently, Justin Trudeau wasn’t expecting such backlash when he made the decision to go ahead with the September elections, and it looks like he has lost a large number of his supporters by trying to use the COVID-19 pandemic for his advantage.

    Trudeau is pushing hard towards implementing Vaccine Passports across the country, assuming that every vaccinated individual will support this plan. However, not all vaccinated citizens are excited about having to have proof of vaccination everywhere they go.

    In a surprising turn of events, the PPC party is gaining strong momentum across the country, winning the votes of Canadians who value their freedom of choice and independence.

    Trudeau is losing his support and it looks like removing the blood donation ban is no more than another political promise in a desperate attempt to win more votes in an upcoming election.

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